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Long ‘i’ CVCe Words Google Slides

Kit changes to kite with the addition of just ONE letter! Silent e is tricky and once learners have mastered CVC words they are ready to conquer the amazing silent e! Children need a lot of practice writing CVCe words. Long ‘i’ CVCe Words Google Slides are an excellent way to practice building these words in an interactive format!

Free Google Slides and Seesaw CVCE word activities for kindergarten literacy centers. Learn to build Magic e words with this simple digital activity. Perfect for kindergarten, distance learning and homeschooling.

Don’t forget, emergent writers will require a lot of CVCe practice! Your child will love using the mouse to move consonants and vowels into the right spots to create CVCe words.

The slides enable a child to build words, identify letter sounds, and improve fine motor skills.

Silent e is known by many different names but they all teach the same rule, an e on the end of a consonant vowel consonant word changes the word so that the vowel in the middle becomes long.

Short vowels become long vowels when an e is added to a CVC word. Long vowels say their name!

Here are some of the words educators use to help teach CVCe words:

  • silent e
  • magic e
  • mommy e (She tells the short vowels to “Stand up and say your name!”)
  • long vowels
  • short vowels

Your learner will just need to click on a slide and manipulate letters to build long i CVCe words. Each slide has a picture and letters. The letters are even color coordinated so that your child knows consonants are blue and vowels are red!

You can guide your child with reminders like, “Remember you are looking for a consonant now, and consonants are blue.” That small cue can help with the challenging activity of building words independently.

You can also ask your child to identify all the letters they see and ask them to identify which are vowels and which are consonants. USE THOSE FANCY WORDS so that kids get used to hearing them!

Free Google Slides and Seesaw CVCE word activities for kindergarten literacy centers. Learn to build Magic e words with this simple digital activity. Perfect for kindergarten, distance learning and homeschooling.

Why does my child need to know how to write CVCe words?

Writing cements reading. Writing and reading go hand in hand.

What does that mean? If a child can write a word, he/she should be able to read that word. As educators, we encourage students to stretch out and write all the sounds they hear within a word.

This is called phonetic writing. Phonetic writing is not always completely accurate. As long as the letters that are used make sense, no corrections are made. If you can sound out what the child wrote that’s fantastic!! That shows progress!

Typically, when given a CVCe word, a student will write the short vowel sound even when a long vowel sound is heard. It takes many activities to practice and master magic e.

A new writer wouldn’t know that in order to change bit to bite he/she needs to use a CVCe pattern. When you add a magic e to a CVC word, the vowel between the two consonants makes a long vowel word. It says it’s name! You can see why that would be confusing to young learners.

So, we need to give students a lot of silent e word practice! They need to repeatedly hear and see long vowel words. These slides are a perfect magic e activity to help students learn ways to make a short vowel word into a long vowel word.

Free Google Slides and Seesaw CVCE word activities for kindergarten literacy centers. Learn to build Magic e words with this simple digital activity. Perfect for kindergarten, distance learning and homeschooling.

How do I use long i CVCe Google slides?

Once you are in the document, you must Make a Copy.

To Make a Copy, click on file, scroll down and click on Make a Copy.

I like to rename my files so that all of my files don’t start with “copy of”.

Once you are in the slides, click on a slide.

Have your child click and drag the letters into the correct spot to create the long i words pictured. (There is also an answer key slide just in case you aren’t sure what the word is!) After you practice several times, you may want to print the slides so that your child now has long I CVCe worksheets which he/she can use to write the words independently!

Free Google Slides and Seesaw CVCE word activities for kindergarten literacy centers. Learn to build Magic e words with this simple digital activity. Perfect for kindergarten, distance learning and homeschooling.

How else can I help my learners with long CVCe words?

Magic e words can be tricky and require a lot of practice. Here are just a few more suggestions:

  • Use magnetic letters to build words.
  • Create CVC word cards. Have a magic e card to add to the cvc word.
  • Give your child a small group of letters and have him/her create new words using magic e.
  • Create a group of CVCe word families. (bite, kite etc.)
  • Give your child pictures of words. Have him/her sort the words long i, short i.
  • Practice CVCe words with different materials. Use chalk, markers or even pudding!
Free Google Slides and Seesaw CVCE word activities for kindergarten literacy centers. Learn to build Magic e words with this simple digital activity. Perfect for kindergarten, distance learning and homeschooling.
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Free Google Slides and Seesaw digital activity for CVCe word building for the 'a' word family. Learn about Magic e through technology by using this fun digital literacy activity for kindergarten. Perfect for literacy centers, distance learning and homeschool.

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